PHS Sports Physical Today! / ¡Examen físico deportivo de PHS hoy!

Welcome to the Annual Patterson High School Sports Physicals Clinic! ¡Bienvenidos a la Clínica Anual de Física Deportiva para la Escuela Secundaria Patterson!
Physicals are today from 1:00 PM to 6:00 PM. Please come at your scheduled time. If you don't have a scheduled arrival time, you can get one in person at the PHS Gym. Please bring the following forms...
Los exámenes físicos son hoy de 13:00 a 18:00 horas. Por favor venga a la hora programada. Si no tiene una hora de llegada programada, puede obtener una en persona en el gimnasio de PHS. Por favor traiga los siguientes formularios...
***Complete and sign your medical history and consent form. Download here or get a hard copy from your coach's office
2024 PPE-History-Form-(English) fill-in r2.pdf***Complete y firme su historial médico y formulario de consentimiento. Descárgalo aquí o consigue una copia impresa en la oficina de tu entrenador
2024 Formulario de historial de PPE (español) para completar r2.pdf================================================================================
Dear Students and Parents,
We are excited to welcome you! This event is designed to ensure that all student-athletes meet the necessary health requirements to participate safely in sports activities for the upcoming school year. Please read the following information carefully to understand the process and prepare for your visit.
Arrival and Check-in
· Location: Please arrive at the David Klein Gymnasium entrance check-in area and show your signed copy of your parent/guardian permission form and medical history form.
· Line Assignment: You will be directed to either the Red or Blue line.
· At the registration desk, please provide the completed forms, including medical history and consent forms before proceeding.
Vital Signs Station
· Our medical assistants will guide you to the vital signs station, where your height, weight, blood pressure, and pulse rate will be measured.
Vision Test
· A brief vision test will be conducted with or without correction. If you wear eyeglasses for sports, bring them.
Medical History Review
· You will then meet with a healthcare professional to review your medical history, discussing any past health issues, medications, allergies, or family medical history.
Physical Examination
· Proceed to the physical examination station, where a qualified healthcare provider will conduct a thorough assessment according to American Academy of Pediatric guidelines.
Conclusion of Visit
· After your examination, a medical assistant will provide you with a summary of the findings and your clearance status.
· You will receive copies of your medical clearance forms to take home and for submission to the school athletic department.
· Before leaving, please take a moment to provide feedback on your experience at our clinic.
Instructions for Preparation:
1. Bring Identification: Please bring a valid ID and your school ID.
2. Wear Comfortable Clothing: You will be asked to perform simple movements during the physical examination.
We look forward to seeing you and are here to assist you in preparing for a safe and active sports season. Should you have any questions prior to the event, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Warm regards,
Del Puerto Health Center Staff